Welcome New Certified SCS Staff Members for the 2022-23 School Year

Shelbyville Central Schools welcomed several new staff members to the team today.  The new staff members were given a tour of the City of Shelbyville and met with Mayor Tom DeBaun at City Hall.  

The new staff members were Jonathon Baldwin, Coulston; Paige Bertsch, Loper; Heather Bobrow, Coulston; Debbie Brewer, SHS; Sirina Cassidy, SHS; Amy Dawson, SHS; Abby Garner, SMS/SHS; Katherine Garrett, Hendricks; Barbara Glesing, Hendricks; Carter Hall, SHS; Michelle Hensley, Coulston; Jessica Hunt, SMS; Bailey Kale, Loper; Kari Kinsey, SMS; John Kirtland, SHS; Kyleigh Lay, SHS; Jarrett Mohr, Loper; Stephanie Munger, SMS; Jessica Neff, Loper; Lacy Ogles, Coulston; Lisa Poynter, SMS; Jere Schoettmer, Hendricks; Kristen Scudder, GBPS; Kristin Shively, Loper; Lindsey Taylor, SMS; Teresa Titus, Hendricks; Ashley Verseman, Hendricks.

Welcome to the team.